Last week, I started talking about spiritual mothers and fathers / spiritual sons and daughters: The function they take, roles each plays, how they help each other, and practical tips for doing it well. Today, I’d like to delve a…

Last week, I started talking about spiritual mothers and fathers / spiritual sons and daughters: The function they take, roles each plays, how they help each other, and practical tips for doing it well. Today, I’d like to delve a…
There’s been a lot of talk in churches in recent years about spiritual fathers and mothers, and how necessary they are for the younger generation. I thought here I’d give some practical tips and thoughts on spiritual mothers and fathers…
I couldn’t quite decide how to start this post, so I’ll do it with a question: What is your response when blatant sin crosses your path? I’m not talking about the powers of evil here, just obvious sin. Are you…
I love seeing dogs off-leash on the trail. While there are notable exceptions, if a dog is off-leash, it’s almost always because its master knows that it’s under voice command – in other words, the dog won’t jump, won’t bite,…
I’d like to make a quick caveat to last week’s post. Not because I don’t believe it – far from it – but because there is more to the subject than what I was able to cover in a single…
When Jesus was spending His last evening with His disciples before His crucifixion, He told them, “Those who know my commands and obey them are the ones who love me, and my Father will love those who love me. I…
General prayers aren’t the worst thing in the world. In fact, they can save lives, bring comfort, and change outcomes for people we don’t even know. Many years ago, I heard a sermon about how we should pray for specific…
I’ve been thinking recently about what it is to be sent vs. what it is to be called. A person might have an apostolic anointing on their life – they’ve been sent by God to a specific place, people, or…
An excerpt from my journal. “Surrender is painful,” people say. Perhaps that is true. But nothing is as painful as being separated from God. Nothing. Nothing is wrong with it to be separated from Him. Nothing. Nothing can separate us…
Last night, someone told me that I needed to move in order for God to move. “You have to meet Him halfway,” he said. “You can’t just sit there and do nothing.” Now, it’s true that he doesn’t know me…