Dancing in the sunset at Holden Beach, North Carolina
So we’re going to try something a little different on the blog. It won’t take the place of the weekly posts about hiking to some of America’s best views (and other interesting and inexpensive attractions). Those will still be coming out as normal. But I thought I’d like to expand a bit by posting some Christian stuff as well.
Yes, I’m a Christian, or at least, I love Jesus passionately. (“Christian” has gotten a bad name in recent years by people acting not very much like Jesus.) So this part of the blog will center around Him and what He’s doing; His nature, the way He sees things, things I’m learning about Him and through Him.
A few months back, I started to realize, dimly at first, then more clearly, that God actually likes the wilderness. He loves the natural world. It makes since; He created it, after all. And I’m coming to see more and more that He enjoys it when we enjoy His handiwork. When our hearts are awed by a stunning view over a mountain range, our eyes tickled by the rushing of a stream, our minds boggled by how a rock formation could stand like that, God doesn’t take offence at it; in fact, He enjoys our awe at His handiwork. Sometimes I think when we’re moved, so is He, again, over the work of His hands. It’s simple, but profound.
So as I walk this journey of discovering what Jesus sees in the wilderness, what God is saying in the wild places, and the Holy Spirit’s take on it all, I’ll try to chronical it here on the blog. Go ahead and comment on the posts (realize that all comments are moderated and I only let through posts that are courteous and non-spammy); we can go through this journey together.
If you want to see only the posts about this topic, click “Jesus Sees the Wilderness” in the upper right of the page.