Evening over Lower Green River Lake along the Highline Trail, Wind River Range, Wyoming
In Isaiah 6:2-3, the prophet has a vision where angels are flying above God and crying out to each other,
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord almighty;
The whole earth is full of his glory.”

Tonto Trail along the inner rim of the Grand Canyon, Arizona
The whole earth is filled with the glory of the Lord.

Upper Darby Canyon meadows, west side of the Tetons, Wyoming
Think about that for a moment: if the earth is full of God’s glory, than right now we are surrounded with the glory of the Lord.

Lone tree in a field along the Genesee Valley Greenway, Monroe County, New York
Take it a little further. In every plant and mountain, every tree and ocean, the waterfalls and rocks and grasses, the valleys and forests, hills and planes, the glory of the Lord is present.

Hiking the Teton Shelf en route to the Alaska Basin Overlook in the Jedediah Smith Wilderness of Wyoming
They are filled with the glory of the Lord.

Apple blossoms along the Erie Canal Path, New York
God Himself reiterates this reality in Numbers 14:21:
“As surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the Lord fills the whole earth…”

Canyon below Druid Arch, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
It’s not a disputed reality in God’s mind.

Views over Big Sandy Lake in the Wind River Range of Wyoming
As much as God is alive, so much is it a reality that His glory covers the earth.

Lower Yellowstone Falls from Lookout Point, Wyoming
So when we look at the earth, we see what is covered in His glory.

Daisies along the Huckleberry Trail, Jedediah Smith Wilderness, Wyoming
Glory in the mountains, glory in the deserts, glory in the rock formations, waterfalls, wildflowers, forests, beaches, on and on, it’s all full of the Lord’s glory.

Sunset over Lower Green River Lake along the Highline Trail in the Wind Rivers of Wyoming
We even get to touch that glory when we touch something that God created – another human being, the lichen on a rock, the bark of a tree, dip our hands in a spring, feel the softness of a flower petal –

The further reaches of Skyline Divide, Mt. Baker Wilderness, Washington