Happy 10th Birthday to Anne’s Travels! Photo (originally) from Cannon Beach, Oregon
10 years! It seems impossible that I started Anne’s Travels 10 whole years ago as a marketing gimmick as I finished up my travel & tourism degree. It’s taken on a bit more of a life of its own than just a place to showcase my travel experience in those 10 years. But I’m super excited where I’ve come from (I just published my 400th travel destination a couple of weeks ago) and where we’ve yet to go!
In honor of the (somewhat) momentous occasion, I asked each of my group members for one of their favorite hikes… 10 people in the group, 10 years, 10 all-time favorite hikes. Enjoy!
2010(ish) – Maple Pass
North Cascades National Park, Washington
Perhaps it wasn’t the view – it might have been the mist slowly swirling over the meadows and wisping around the peaks that made Maple Pass such a memorable hike. At any rate, it certainly was memorable – and the sun came out in time for some great views.
2011 – The Causeway
Flat Tops Wilderness, Colorado
In terms of “memorable”, it’s hard to beat a trail that takes you across a 5ft. wide rib of rock… with 500ft. drops on either side. Add to this that once you’ve crossed The Causeway, you’re hiking through rolling alpine meadows. What’s not to love? Map and coordinates here. “It’s one of the most beautiful and most peaceful places I’ve been in my entire life,” she said remembering the hike.
2012 – Reynolds Mountain Trail
Glacier National Park, Montana
The views across Hidden Lake… the waterfalls tumbling down cliffs… the surround-mountain feel… and the almost complete lack of people all make the Reynolds Mountain Trail a fantastic hike (even though the trail doesn’t go up Reynolds Mountain). And if you thought the views over the lake were great, don’t discount the views into the next valley when you reach the final saddle!
2013 – Coyote Gulch
Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah
“In terms of fun at the time,” he told me, “Coyote Gulch was definitely memorable.” I guess it’s hard to forget – and it’s definitely fun – walking across the trailless desert, climbing down almost sheer slickrock into a canyon, then wading down the creek below soaring canyon walls, arches, waterfalls, and more.
2014 – Ptarmigan Ridge
Flickr2 Mount Baker Wilderness, Washington
Ptarmigan Ridge is… adventurous. Besides the trail on the edge of sheer or near sheer cliffs, the path crosses permanent snowfields and, as far as I can tell, has no official end. But the views are beyond outstanding to Mt. Baker, Mt. Shuksan, and nearby valleys and peaks. Being this particular group member, she found it hard to decide on just one favorite… and would just as happily have chosen Skyline Divide with somewhat similar views but less adventure.
2015 – Teton Shelf Trail
Jedediah Smith Wilderness, Wyoming
The Teton Shelf Trail is lovely enough in itself (cliffs and meadows full of wildflowers usually make for a great hike). But lovelier still are the views down into Alaska Basin… without the long trail that hiking into the Basin requires. Oh – but to get to the meadows and views, you’ll have to ascend the Staircase, which may be more loose-rock-on-hard-rock than trail at times.
2016 – John Deere Pavilion
Moline, Illinois
“It’s not really a hike,” he said. “About the longest hike you’ll get is walking all the way around the combine trying to see just how big it is.” The John Deere Pavilion may be more of a tourist attraction and a PR stunt than a hike. For the kid (and the kid-at-heart) in your group, it’s climbing into a real tractor or bulldozer may be just as exciting as seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time.
2017 – Mono Pass
Inyo National Forest, California
I’d read three separate posts calling the Mono Pass Trail “one of the most beautiful hikes I’ve ever done.” In fact, I’d read it so often I was skeptical. But honestly – this View Junkie who’s hiked in 42 states, driven across the continent 80 times, and visited more than 310 parks says that it really is one of the most beautiful hikes she’s ever done. Period.
2018 – Honan Point
North Rim Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
When I asked her what her favorite hike was, she said, “Well, there’s always Honan Point…” You won’t read about the Point on the park map or in any of the park literature. But it’s one of the few places on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park where the views are similar to the views from the South Rim. Be prepared for way-finding on this trail even if the terrain isn’t all that challenging.
2019 – Upper Geyser Basin
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
There’s something mystical and magical about watching water spew out of the ground in the Upper Geyser Basin. Over the years, we’ve enjoyed old favorites like Old Faithful and Castle Geyser (not to mention plenty of beautiful hot pools) and seen special and very unusual eruptions – like Giantess Geyser, days after it erupted for the first time in a number of years. Morning and afternoon and even evening, it’s always a favorite. There are always new things to see – this year, for the first time (for us), we saw Daisy Geyser erupt!
So there you go… a cross-section of hiking preferences from my hiking companions over the years! Here’s to another 10 years for Anne’s Travels!